Monday, February 25, 2019

Newly Released Movie Critique by: April May Pitogo


Personally I believe this was a very intense psychological in depth thriller about how most people live in society today, blind folded and guarded in order to avoid real emotions, real connections and with perpetual fears that can be real but most of the times untouchable and all created by the panic and anxieties within of things we will never see. Malorie's persona was detached even from the beginning for fear of feeling anything. A fear created from not having love.... knowing loss...heartache....heartbreak thus her child wasn't joyous. Her sister optimistic and happy despite her own trauma was a symbol of Hope, Faith despite the bad. Tom the same thing despite the horrific things he saw in the military while on duty.He choose consciously to still believe in hope, faith, dreams, wishes and love. Malorie was so afraid until she was out in the woods in the position to really palpably lose her children is when she allowed her mothers instinct of love and protection to kick in and through that finally accepted that love is love despite the outcome. Dreaming and wishing...hoping and having faith. Win or lose are still worth a fighting chance as Tom saw it and therefore he lived as such. Once they find the institution for the blind... yes they were free from the blindfold but it was more than that. Their actually blindness didn't hinder them from still seeing hearing accepting a beautiful life full of hope dreams music the birds and so many things because they accepted themselves just as they and are also being blind from birth or circumstances allowed them to develop other senses in order to still experience life without eyes but still see that which those who have sight often miss. This movie reflects the world we are in today. People trying to run the rat race pushing one another always trying to stay on top and yet alone lonely isolated and guarded. They guard their hearts, minds, bodies and spirit in so many ways afraid of what might be.

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